The Dominant Wife

2020. 2. 28. 10:13카테고리 없음

Disclaimer: this post has been written in the context of consent sexual relationship with your loved one or partner and assumes that she enjoys and desire a dominant man.To be a good dominant lover, in a sexual context, it really helps if you have a well-rounded dominant approach in your day-to-day life. Read the series to make sure you are on the right track for that purpose.Women, in general, prefer to have sex with a man who is dominant in bed, that’s a fact, now if you have been conditioned to believe the opposite and want to know more about it, this is a good place to start. First, know what you want to do.Like in everything you do in life, the first step is to know where you are going. The dominant male in a relationship is the leader.

The leader initiates the process and takes the desired direction. That’s why it makes sense to first be clear about what you want and where you’re going with this.Take some time to fantasize about what you want to do with her. Yes, I am talking here about the actual sexual positions or any of the naughty scenarios you fantasize about.Use that to build up your sexual energy before you engaged her.

Once you are fully charged, use this energy to build up sexual tension between you and her.Lets your sexual energy be expressed through your body language and how you look and talk to her.Then make an assertive move and get physical. Trust me Brian coming from a female, the beta male isn’t what women are genetically engineered to like or need. Thus, the term (good guys finish last). My husband is a beta male and that has its place out of the bedroom.

But in the bedroom women need to feel taken by their male counter part. Evolution plays a large role In this desire of women.

Back in the primal days of man. It was a common practice for men to rape women in order to get their needs met. As a result, in order for women to survive (needing men to protect us) the body started engineering itself to enjoy more aggressive primal sex.

Another words women like being dominated in the bedroom. And chuck is 100% right. It’s psychological as much as physical. I promise you aren’t hurting your wife. ☺️ Good luck! Thank you Chuck as a female who loves a dominate primal male during sex.

This gave me a how to guide to give my husband. As you mentioned social engineering shapes men to be more like women and women like men. I have no interest in the new age approach to intimacy lmao.

Needless to say our sex life is good, but, in my alone thoughts I yurn to be taken as it’s part of every woman’s primal makeup. Obviously it needs a dash of finesse kissing etc. However, I’m hoping my husband can tap into his primal side so the yurn becomes a lot of fun. So, keep your fingers cross I’m 37 and he’s 27.

The Dominant Wife

So, perhaps it will work out too we’ll ☺️☺️☺️. It’s vitally important for a man to be the dominant partner in bed.Understand what you are doing.

Most men – and I’ve been around – are no different. They appraise women like cattle. They try to emulate porn stars, or test hard limits. (Most of those limits are universal, so please don’t pretend you don’t get it).They set their stopwatches.

They tell their friends. They’re angry at women and fuck them to prove something. They refuse to orgasm with some bs excuse about tantric whatever. And they keep asking if we came. These are not men.

They’re boys. And 95% of the men out there are like that.More than anything else, a woman wants to feel desire from a man. That goes ahead of love, marriage, and all that other stuff we are supposed to want. We WANT you to take control. A man who is physically strong, but whose moves are slow and deliberate, confident and sensual. We want to approach us like savoring a fine meal.

We want to to show us your passion and your strength. We want you to taste, savor and smell every inch of us.

We want you to bend and shape us; we want to feel you sweat.The affect is infinitely more powerful than most men can envision. We women literally remember it for the rest of our lives. We talk about it with other women “I finally got to be the girl.”We may go on to marry someone else, but in the heat of the moment, you’re the one we are imagining next to us,Truth. Thanks for your comment, well explained.Our societies are on a downward spiral. The best indicator of this is that our governments are importing people from the third world to replace us, and that in all modern western countries, because we don’t have families and reproduce enough anymore. Shure, the modern men is fucked-up!

But it really seems to be a reaction to women being fucked-up. If you follow the history of how this has happened, the trigger for this downward spiral into decadence is feminism.

It went from a movement for women right to a cancer destroying the family unit in about 15 years. Nowadays, they bring transgender into kindergarten to teach 5 years old kids about gender fluidity, just to make sure the next generation is fucked-up beyond repair.My point is; You women, stop complaining and bitching about men and take a good hard look to yourself!We all need to clean up that mess together. Interesting comment.

I feel that feminism is the root of the issue. And I believe men’s inability to steadfast in the way of opposition is also needed. However I don’t think transgender people or gay people in anyway have affected how men perceive who they are. The reason I say this is I’m a psych major in the specific groups one that you mentioned in no way has adverse affects on men or women or society. I do believe women should have equal rights so the feminist movement had a positive outcome in that aspect. But the feminist movement went to far is what happened.

Across the line from a quality into superiority. Now obviously if you watch the news and you see all these big time news anchors getting fired for sexual-harassment that is very real I’ve experienced this many many times.So there are times of men need to be rained in for behaviors that they’re doing that is offensive and dangerous to women.

So I agree with the feminist part going to far. But the other just holds no weight from a psychological standpoint or any other academic stand point. Great analysis. Totaly agree! Equality of right, we all agree. The feminist movement has mutated is some sort of weird Marxist anti-masculinity, anti-traditional roles, movement that promotes degeneracy and the war between gender. I don’t think the gays and the transgenders are a problem.

But presenting them to young children at school as something good and normal is plainly sick and will cause even more problem. Can they just be children! I’m ready to put money on that.

Again, they should have equal rights like everybody else, but let’s be clear, it is an anomaly. Anomalies are part nature, yes, but no need to encourage the behavior by putting them under the spotlight everywhere. Chuck, I can get behind alot of what you are saying. But, trans people and gay in no way have adverse affects around children.

The FBI has studied this a for years(and if trans and gay people were a threat they wouldnt be allowed near children much like sex offenders)! Trans or gay people have zero adverse effects on children in thousands and thousands of studies. So, thats more of a tradational ideology and an opinion (which your entitled to). But, studies suggest other wise. That children raised around mixed races, lgbt, interracial couples, other religions grow up more well rounded.

The children are better able to handle their adult and professional lifes because they will interact with gay, trans, people from other religions, and interracial couples. Studies also suggest that due to this young exposure they are less likely to commit crimes (esp hate crimes). This is my focus of study so im very familiar with this topic. This allows the child to be more successful in their adult professional lives. I think often our opinions are misguided based on xenophobia or the fear of the unknown.

Which every human has xenophobia to some degree. And, in criminal justice you quickly learn gender much like sexuality isnt all black and white.

The Dominant Wife Rulebook

I thought this was fascinating. There are 48 different ways chromosomes can be arranged. Typical male is XY and female is XX.

These are not Anomalies rather they’re very common for people to have different sex chromosomes that make them biologically different from a another human. For example most males currently in jail possess sex/gender chromosomes of XYXY which is defined as a double male. This means the body of this individual produces too much testosterone and as a result they become violent because they are more like animals. Which is what happens generally with transgender people and intersex people. This Means the person is born in between two genders.

Yes I know it blows peoples minds. Literally between male and female. So based on their genetic make up in their biology they are born differently. Also see xxxy, yyy, yy, xxx. So, where I struggle with what you said people of mixed genders or different sexual preferences (trans, inter sexed, homosexual). We have found that transgender people and homosexuals date back to the beginning of humanity about 300,000 years ago that we know of.

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Also what you’re referring to as an anomaly is defined as a mutation. Being homosexual or transgende is not an anomaly whatsoever or a mutation. It is DNA reconstruction. DNA reconstruction Is the species way of creating diversity and the more diverse the species is the more likely the species are to survive. In an anthropology sense species to alike that die off. So diversity in a species is able to help the species thrive. So, this why different types of humans exist.

Lmao, so this is a bit of a collgiate lesson on biological sex etc. I couldn’t agree more with you! All of these things are so important. In my experience a man needs to have a mind of his own (not wrapped up in trying to emulate a porn star).

I’ve been fortunate to have partners like you described and you are right. And having a guy who desires you is so important. Oddly enough my ex of many many years called me yesterday.

Professing he can’t find another woman like me and he desires me on a intimate level (which was off putting but a compliment and made me feel desired in a very objectifying way). What often happens in marriage for me is my husband always desired me he didn’t always know how to show it. Which I struggled with for the first year and a half. But in my experience that intensity fades unless the guy is super sexual. Which is difficult for us as women. But he’s gotten better with the physical objectifying me which I love!Elexus.

This I will agree with especially with younger males under the age of 30. Many have the ability to access porn at very young ages. Making the soon to be adult have intimacy issues, lack of sensitivity during intercourse, and a lack of a physical touch connect. I have studied this as well and its fascinating. These males end up masterbating so much that it tramatizes the penis while causing plaque build up and apparently terrible painful curvatures. So, porn is not that healthy. I wouldnt go all religious as many religions think porn is terrible (Abrahamic religions, Hindu, Buddhist).

Im not Christian and I too believe it is bad for human interacts and sex lives.

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D/s-M is work on both sides, Dominant and submissive. Both partners must stay engaged and growing in their roles. The best thing is the harder you both work, the harder you both get to play.